High pressure pump is an essential component of a motor engine

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High pressure pump is an essential component of a motor engine

A high pressure pump is an essential component of a motor engine. It transfers fuel from the tank to the injectors through a filtration system and drives the fuel to the safety valve. It also carries out the functions of the lubrication and cooling systems. Its power is required to operate a two-liter engine.

This pump is powered by a motor or a timing belt. The power needed to operate the pump varies depending on the pressure needed in the rail and the rotation speed. A 2 liter engine, for example, might require 3.8 kW of pump power. When the pump is running, fuel flows into the high-pressure circuit at a low pressure. The pump then creates a high-pressure flow of fuel, which varies between 300 and 2500 bars.

The high-pressure pump is monitored by the higher-level engine control unit. Pressure sensors in the high-pressure pump detect system pressure errors and store them in the engine control unit's error memory. If there is a fault in the system, a suitable diagnostic unit can read the system parameters and provide a diagnosis of the problem. A system warning lamp will illuminate in the instrument cluster, alerting the driver.

The pump's performance depends on a number of parameters, including the operating pressure and maintenance regimen. In addition to these factors, the solid content in the liquid will affect the pump's life span. The more solid content in the water, the higher the costs for replacement parts. Another important parameter is temperature. Higher temperatures increase the risk of cavitation and mineral precipitation.